
Friends of the Museum

An event for our friends in the museum.

Friends play an important role in the museum which is run by volunteers and continues to be funded solely by subscriptions, grants, donations and admissions. Friends are welcome to take part in our activities including helping to run the museum and its events, encouraging others to visit and become friends, and raising funds to preserve the historic building and the Museum.

The special benefits of becoming a friend are:

  • Unlimited free admission to the Museum during normal opening hours

  • Invitations to illustrated lectures and talks, exhibitions previews and special events
  • Greater access to our resources in order to learn more about the history of Durham
  • The opportunity to support the preservation of a Grade 1 listed building and a unique collection of objects for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations.

If you would like to become a friend, please access a copy of our application form , fill it in and then either email it to [email protected] or post it to:

The Membership Secretary of the Bow Trust (Durham) Ltd
Durham Museum
St Mary-le-Bow
North Bailey
Durham DH1 3ET.