
Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

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Education: Key Stage 1

Local History: Durham and its People

In this half day session, pupils will learn more about the historic city and county of Durham. Pupils will explore the exhibition within the museum, just a few steps away from the Durham World Heritage Site. Using a mix of interactive activities to build on observation, communication and critical thinking skills, the story of the city and its people, trade and industry will come alive.

This visit is designed with the KS1 history curriculum at the fore as pupils will see the development of the city over time and be tasked with asking questions of, and developing responses to various historical sources including text, images and objects. Curriculum requirements for literature and language, art and design and geography are also supported throughout the activities.

What to Expect

Due to the layout of the museum, after an initial welcome, the class will be split into a maximum of four groups (5 to 8 pupils in each) and will cycle through a series of activities in particular areas of the museum. Each teacher or adult helper will be briefed on the activities and provided with thorough notes and resources for each section. The leader of the session will work with one group at a time on an object handling activity but will tell you when to move to the next activity and check on each group at this time.

Extension activities are provided in each section should your group finish their primary tasks ahead of schedule. If enough time remains after all activities are complete and the weather is fine, the session leader will walk you up to Palace Green (just a few seconds away) and explain how this area is integral to the origins of the city.

Should you wish to have a copy of the teacher’s guide in advance of your visit, this can be provided via after your booking is confirmed.